Gilad&Gilad LLC

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  • Biotech Companies
  • Hospitals / Clinics


Gilad&Gilad LLC is a health science company with a core competency in neuroscience and a focus on developing safe and effective innovative nutraceuticals for nerve health. The Company develops the exclusive Agmaceuticals® product line containing G-Agmatine®, based on the Founders’ breakthrough discovery of the neuroprotective properties of Agmatine.

Science Leading to Products
Gilad&Gilad was founded by a husband-and-wife neuroscientist team, following their 1994 discovery of the robust neuroprotective properties of Agmatine, which was substantiated by laboratories worldwide. Agmatine Mechanism of action is unique. It acts like a "molecular shotgun" by targeting multiple molecular mechanisms critical for nerve cells’ ability to withstand injury and disease.
Following clinical trials, the company proceeded to develop and market the Agmaceuticals® line of patent-protected nutraceuticals containing the neuroprotective ingredient G-agmatine®, the best brand of premium grade Agmatine [an amino acid (arginine) metabolite], shown to maintain, protect, and preserve healthy nerve functions in animals and people.

AgmaSet® (a dietary supplement) and AgmaVet® (for animals) are the Company's first-in-class nutraceutical products, superior to existing therapeutics for sustaining healthy nerve functions (i.e. neuropathies). The safety and effectiveness of the products were validated by substantial scientific research and are backed by sound clinical trials. The Company holds patents that protect the use of high dose G-Agmatine® in dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and food (including medical foods) for neuroprotection, and patents for Agmatine-based compositions for promoting healthy joint functions (i.e., osteoarthritis).
– For more information, please visit, or call 888-484-4523.